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How thermal cameras can help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Thermal cameras can play an important role in helping organizations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  

Around the world, governments are responding to the unprecedented circumstances related to the corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic. In many countries and regions, authorities have placed restrictions on their citizens movements and have increased guidance on the basic hygiene required to reduce the spread of the virus. The primary aim of this activity is to reduce the reproduction number (Rₒ) of COVID-19 by limiting contact between groups of people as much as possible.

Similarly, many government and healthcare authorities have provided guidance on the key symptoms associated with the disease. One of the key symptoms is an increased body temperature or fever.

Dahua Technology Turnstile Single Entry - Covid-19

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Dahua Technology Turnstile Single Entry - Covid-19

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Dahua Technology Turnstile Single Entry - Covid-19

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